During a presser on the current drought situation and ongoing intervention by the County Government and partners. We are currently at an alarm phase with about 50 percent of the population experiencing varied levels of food stress and in need of support, while nutrition situation of children generally moderate. Under ongoing relief distribution, we are targeting 640,366 people with 2,449 metric tons of relief food, a 25% food ration of maize, beans and vegetable oil. We are in the process of procuring a further 3,427 metric tons which will be distributed at 35% rations. Other interventions include routine high impact nutrition, mass screening for malnutrition, livestock vaccination and treatment, as well as land preparation and distribution of seeds and farm tools in preparation for short rains. We are also working with partners including the NDMA to distribute water to schools and health facilities, repair of water infrastructure and engaging in cross-border peace dialogues to a...